Just feels kinda Gulf of Tonkin-esque

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The US probably blew up the pipeline? Who else? Only the U.K. Sweden and Norway have the military drivers to do the job beyond the US.

The reason was probably because Germany and France were looking to cut a Crimea deal with Putin behind NATOs back as they have since the start of the war.

Also there is a lot of US gas to sell from the Permian at $4+ and the US has a twenty year history of trying to block the Nordstream pipeline which came from the friends of the DDR.

Great work.

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Agree. Biden.........or who moves his mouth, to force change, and continue the proxy war against Russia. Thanks for your analysis.

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Great analysis as always.

I agree, that Regime appointees, were behind the event. I would not rule our joe brandon nodding in agreement though. They would only need to catch him in "angry grandpa mode" matter of fact, they would want that done, for future cover..."FJB told me to do it, your honor...and here is the video".

I agree, we need to move forward now and look at, prepare for the ripples.

Aside from any fallout with Russia...no pun intended...the following cards are now dealt from the bottom of the deck.

- Cover for the sinking economy. There will be calls to push hundreds of billions ion aide, to Europe, in preparation for the coming heatless winter.

- Strat oil reserves will again be tapped as a virtue signaling move. It will have readiness consequences, but that is a secondary concern. If at all.

- This will accelerate the move to a digital currency, since the economy will tank, in the face of pumping fiat dollars into the Euro relief agenda.

- Banks will lock down withdraws, even more than they are now, in a 40's style..."Support the war on hunger and climate for our European cousins. Every dollar you pull out of the bank is a dollar you give to Putin, by weakening our economy."

- The Green energy mandates will kick into overdrive at federal and state levels, under the guise of Euro relief and solidarity.

- This will be an opportunity to mark and track, those who are speaking out against the relief effort and spreading false information...they must be Putin operatives, or Trumpers...same thing, in the eyes of the regime. You might even see moves toward round ups...WW2 Japanese internment camp style. National security during a crisis...pick anyone of them...will be used as the reasoning.

We should want to know the truth about this event, but we are doing what they want us to...focusing on what "happened", instead what IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

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Biden could not plan a bowel movement. Basically the zionists that control american politics and get pedophiles elected in stolen elections.

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I think the string pullers are in a world beyond nation states. Confusion, war, energy and food shortages, pandemics and economic destruction are simply outsourced using bribery, coercion, blackmail and algorithms.

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I give drool bucket Joe a 5% chance of it being the U.S, that did it because at heart drool bucket Joe is a coward and a dithering dullard, now the possibility that some rogue element in our government did it is also a small possibility. I assign a 45% chance it was an eco-terrorist group seeing the opportunity and taking it and for those who say it would be to technical for them I disagree, the pipeline is only under approx. 210 feet of water, that is not beyond the reach of a recreational diver, as for the explosive charges required understand the eco-terrorist groups in Europe and America have members who were former special forces also they have many people with advanced stem degrees who would have no problem manufacturing an IED that could do it. I assign a 45% chance it was Russia in order to accelerate the collapse of the EU's economy and society, winter is coming in Europe and things are about to get very bad there. Putin I believe is in a holding action, he knows things are going to get very rough this winter for the EU and the U.S. and he calculates the support going to Ukraine will be cut off or heavily curtailed. There is also the possibility this could have been done by elements in the EU in order to force the absolutely stupid political class to give up their green marxist dreams and start producing their own energy sources.

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this is insane in my opinion for a few reasons - i welcome any pushback if i am hyperventilating:


natural gas / methane is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2 which climate alarmists tell us we need to cease all emissions or face the end of the world imminently.

what impact will the massive release have on the baltic sea eco system?

twitter post of the picture of the gas cauldron bubbling up in the sea: https://twitter.com/sikorskiradek/status/1574777986737655810

https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-bad-of-a-greenhouse-gas-is-methane/ - article from 2015

"methane warms the planet by 86 times as much as CO2, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."


this disaster commits western EU citizens to higher energy prices for the foreseeable future - which is a disaster for their economies & standard of living


despite the coincidental opening of a new Norwegian pipeline this week - it still wont meet demand let alone require additional transit fees paid to other nation states by recipients. this undermines the access to affordable energy impacting the poor & middle class who have seen their energy/utility bills double - to increase 10x in the past 12 months.

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All part of the Great Reset! Make Big Pharma LIABLE for injuries & DEATHS that follow their DEADLY INJECTIONS. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready for Adolf Schwab!

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Cui bono?

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Excellent analysis. After listening to you and thinking about it, I have to concur. What other "head of state" is crazy enough to do something like that? The Biden Admin *is* crazy, psycho, and not competent to look ahead to extrapolate the consequences of such an action.

We have all got to pay attention from now on to prevent something like this from happening again!! Too many people are leaving things up to other people who don't have time to deal with them either. I didn't pay attention when I was younger and working full time so I'm no better. At least I'm awake now!

As Ben Franklin said, "We must hang together, or we will surely hang separately." (paraphrased)

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No the U.K. has no interest in an energy dispute with the EU as we share an electricity and gas grids. Plus we import gas.

No this was the US pointing out that Germany and France cannot be duplicitous as they have been since the start of the war.

The U.K. has been a strong supporter of Ukraine because the GRU has been killing people on U.K. soil as they did at the Millennium Hotel and tried at Salisbury. But there have been others. And both Boris or Truss are simply defending our interests in doing so.

All very straightforward and excellent work on the part of the US.

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Nah, Davos/WEF did it

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