Remember the horrific stories of Soviet citizens frightened they would be next with the 2 am visit?

We are so close. Where Canada, New Zealand, etc. are already there. How can anyone, anywhere, not authoritarian, accept what is happening?

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"Destroyed our freedom without firing a shot....." Absolutely right you are and China is laughing at us.

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Thank you for continuing to cover the so-called pandemic. I've gotten to the point where my patience -- previously worn thin -- with Covidiots is non-existent. No point in arguing with religious zealots, for that's what these "believers" in the new religion are -- mindless, non-questioning zealots. Even those who haven't succumbed to the constant propaganda are still affected by being surrounded with sheep and need to be reminded there are places in the world that are back to being "open" -- ironically, the non-Western, authoritarian nations like China, Iran, and Russia. Why are the "Western democracies" -- theoretically held accountable by their citizenry, devolving deeper and deeper into a dictatorial horror show?

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Great article, which I agree with in full. We need to take our liberties and freedoms back by none compliance on a massive scale and by boycotting corporations who enable our corrupted elected politicians. I won't call them leaders.

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It is harder and harder to believe that TPTB continue to get away with restricting our liberties to such a great extent, and that more people are not realizing what has been done to them. Sort of makes me lose faith in my fellow human beings. There were so many signs right at the beginning of this mess that pointed straight to a power grab disguised as a pandemic. And yet millions around the world fell for it, and continue to believe what they're being told, and continue to obey tyrannical governments. It's hard to find hope in this mess, and I am increasingly feeling like a man on a boat in the middle of the ocean - alone. Thanks for all you do; yours is one of the few sane voices, and we need it more than ever.

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Thanks for this. What do you suggest that the citizenry do to force a freedom rebuild?

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Easy to agree with you. As someone from the old school left who was forced to join in the battle - and found pretty much nobody at all from my "side" standing with me - I'd welcome any and all thoughts on how to begin to unravel at least some parts of the partisan divide. To get back onto some of the common ground. It was basic principle that brought me here. Isn't there something we can work with?

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The article also makes me think about why did we lose our freedoms and liberties in the first place. Of course, politicians seem to be the fall guys. But several other institutions have failed to discharge their duties effectively:

1. Medical institutions: WHO can make a mistake, but how come the apex medical bodies of several countries failed to understand Covid and to present a realistic thereat assessment and not a super exaggerated one?

2. Media: Okay the mainstream media had been losing sheen all these years, but at least some in the media could also have fought against the tyranny

3. Courts: They failed to question the rationale behind the lockdowns, the science behind the masks, the proof behind the contagion etc.

4. Freedom-loving people: What happened to them? How did they lose their senses so easily by narratives coming out of the media they always loved to hate?

The failure has been at several levels. It seems almost surreal that almost all the sections of society failed to assess the situation correctly and surrendered their freedoms at the flip of a button. Perhaps this was waiting to happen. The problem lies deeper, much deeper. We as a society have dumbed down. We are losing our senses. We are losing our ability to reason. What could have caused this? Some hypothesis:

1. With the advent of computers, we surrendered a part of our intelligence by using computers foolishly instead of using them wisely. The result was that complex computer models became more trusted than simple hand-written scientific rationale. No, this did not happen in 2020. It happened much before. Much of Climate Change alarmism dates back to climate modelling done in the 2000s. The use of RT-PCR's for clinical diagnosis also started much earlier.

2. With the advent of content on mobile, we suffered from an information overload. We saw more, forwarded more but digested less. Memes and videos became our source of knowledge, and not books, which make us think, imagine and rethink. Our knowledge became shallow as a result.

3. Excessive fiction/fantasy in our culture: GOT, Avengers etc. All detached from reality. Movies such as Resident Evil, Contagion etc were again fiction movies. Perhaps many viewers lost their inherent ability to distinguish reality from fiction.

It seems to me that abuse of technology and a comfortable life have resulted in the problem we are in today. These have dumbed us down as a society. We are detached from reality. Climate change Alarmism was a symptom of this same problem. Incessant abusing of politicians and media, instead of disagreeing with what they said was another symptom. SARS, H1N1 were perhaps the symptoms of the same problem. We failed to recognize the real problem, and today this failure to recognize the problem has resulted in a monster called Covid.

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Great read bro. It’s unreal how treacherous this govt overreach has been. The people that comply with it are not helping. I live in Georgia and I will not wear a mask when I go shopping and eating out. This guy is not gonna be muzzled. All these steps they are taking to mitigate isn’t helping shit. Yet, they keep on pushing on.

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All true Doctor.

The diagnosis is correct.

The prescription a bit vague, and voting the elites out at best homeopathic. > not that you said that - and vagueness is justified.

If it helps those reading afflicted with the delusions of voting and laws- the laws in America morally vanished with the fall of the Republic.

If one reading believes in voting that one is beyond reason, try prayer.

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Ezra Levant was made for a time like this. One of the few real journalists left in Canada.

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A lot of people love the new abnormal. They want to be enslaved. It makes them feel secure and loved on by the State. They don't miss human contact and love the feel of the mask on their face.

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Only in a society so far gone with anti-freedom sentiment could people have given up their freedoms so readily. We must counter the fear narrative. https://jetaylorwriter.medium.com/who-will-stand-for-freedom-da28ee7d51bb

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