Here in Commiefornia, Newsom the tyrant is ratcheting up the CV-19 fear-porn lies and gleefully inflicting actual pain and suffering on all Californians, most of who don't realize that he is a puppet of the New World Order Masters. We are sovereign living men and women with Creator-given rights that are unalienable; this means that no one, not even a psychopathic wanna-be-controller, can take the rights away from us. Neither can we give away our rights — but plenty of people have turned two blind eyes from this fact and are either 1) in abject pants-pissing fear over a common, short-term, highly recoverable illness that they might never get if they took personal responsibility for their health, or 2) they're "going along to get along" because they're afraid to stand up to "authorities" who actually have no authority in this situation. Another group of people exists who ARE standing up, refusing to wear the Satanic ritual humiliation face muzzle, continuing to be near to, hug, and kiss loved ones, and refusing to get tested/vaxxed. And I can tell you, as a living woman in this group, it sucks being treated like a mass murderer by people in groups 1 and 2. But I know I'm all right with my Creator, and I'll continue to be the freak in the room until everyone else realizes their stupidity or some thug of the "authorities" takes me down, in which case, my blood will be on someone else's hands.

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The fight against COVID-19 is the new war of drugs: the pursuit of an unattainable goal that swims against the current of human nature.

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We may need to load up our dune buggies and start looking for caves.

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This misguided uninforned hysteria from political clowns, aided by an irresponsible reckless leftist mefia, is a sign of the sorry state of or absence of competent, intelligent savvy leaders in countless states. A very concerning situation far more deadly than the 99.99% mild effect of this overhyped virus.

They continue to devastate the financial well being of the vast majority of their helpless citizens, to a point where it's impossible to imagine a return to the pre covid normal, as these clowns ignore the dire economic catastrophe they continue to fuel.

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Looking forward to watching all the people who voted for this to get jack hammered like the rest of us.

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