Dec 2, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

If anyone is still falling for this at this point, ain't no helping them.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Good writing as always. It is not a tragedy when the very sick and the very old pass away. It may be sad but not tragic. The enemies of life pushing the story want us to believe that if we just all follow their dictates no one will die, ever. It's a mind trick.

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Here is a crude peasant presentation on the topic of Omicron.


"Because the new variant of concern is mild but terrifying, while the vaccines don’t work but do, we can be safely recycled and boostered, without turning the page in the marketing brochure. "

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Omicron is cover for the adverse reactions to the toxic jabs. Same was true of the now forgotten 'Delta.' These are just tricks used by Pharma and it's quislings to hide the fact that they are maiming people.

It also serves to gin up the fear and grab a few more unwitting customers into their toxic web.

"Covid-19" isn't a medical condition it's a business plan- a Ponzi scheme.

"Covid-19" is the cover for the greatest of transfer of wealth in history.

There is nothing for these experimental inoculations falsely called "vaccines" to work against- they only maim and murder.

The more of these poisons pumped into the body, the closer one is to their doom. Not from any fake virii, but from their immune system crashing into dust. Those spiky little proteins get into your blood and destroy your cells and also wreck the protective layer inside your main arteries that helps create nitric oxide for your blood.

Vaccines themselves are industrial poisons. The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

A war on all humanity has been unleashed- a war against all the people on earth- a war designed and orchestrated by psychotic billionaires

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

"Taking away words is taking away power" - el Puss Gator Malo. This why we need to STOP using their words and phrases; to take away their power to control debates.

That is why I use:







It is good that you anticipate their latest scam. Hopefully others, at least some, will wise up to them. I scanned that the corrupt CDC - sorry for the tautology - also used omicon to push for further restrictions.

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What's incredible is the overreacting, worse than ever, by panicked o ignorant beaurocrats totally ignoring reports and data, but immediately taking the low road and instituting draconian rules that are not even remotely indicated, based on the medial reports of this new strain.

Absolute lunacy as seen in Canada where this has caused new, drastic restrictive measures, border closings etc. Totally muddle headed but people are helpless prisoners to CYA fearmongering media and administrations.

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From what I've read every Omicron case in the west so far is a person or group of people who are "fully vaccinated". It seems like Omicron is a case of full-blown vaccine escape, earlier than I think a lot of people in our neck of the woods were anticipating it. This of course makes vaccination pointless so I suspect we will not see this fact emphasized until all of Pfizer & Moderna's booster shots have been dumped on suckers and they roll out the new "Omicron booster".

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The media have clearly been captured to follow one psychological operation script after another pumping endless unfounded hysteria. It's absolutely comical at this point. More and more people are waking up, but that probably won't stop them from proceeding with their diabolical agenda of totalitarian digital tyranny tied to your vaccination status. After three generations of history teachers saying "never again", Europe has mostly fallen to this medical apartheid with the exception of one or two countries. The unelected EU wench Furfur in Brussels will put the finishing touches on the 27 nation bloc. Ihre papiere bitte! So much for never again.

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Our high school is hosting a jab #2 clinic for ages 5-11 tomorrow. At least 1200 were signed up for the first shot, in this crazy blue suburb I'm guessing most will go back for the 2nd. I'm sure any adverse events will be suppressed. It's so sad to me how many people have fallen victim to the mass psychosis.

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I highly suspect that we're going to see Omicron overtake Delta. They had the Mu variant and the Epsilon variant which didn't catch any political benefit. But now Omicron has become the big political football.

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LOVE this sussinct, data! And screw the media and govt for making this another "issue", bunch of liars.

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The avg age of death from covid is higher than the average life expectancy age.

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Ki said it best. To those who are motivated to take an experimental vaccine out of fear or ignorance, I have no words. They are pushing this way too hard for it to be good for us. The congress is exempt from the mandates as are some other federal agencies, along with illegal immigrants that are being bused and flown all over our country.

A reasoning mind would question getting the jab under these circumstances. The dots do not connect.

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