Hey, wait a minute, aren’t these the same guys who sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for almost two years, and failed in impeaching a sitting President using illegal evidence, and perjury? You can tell Wray is lying, his lips are moving.

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The last shred of 'perceived' FBI integrity evaporated when the X-FILES series ended.

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Another FBI False Flag coming! Another FBI False Flag coming! Another FBI False Flag coming! Another FBI False Flag coming! Another FBI False Flag coming! Another FBI False Flag coming! Another FBI False Flag coming! Another FBI False Flag coming!

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Yes, but the NG is deployed.

So... it worked.

Politics is Power, Sir.

That’s all.

Politics must be viewed through the lens of power, any other lens distorts.

To this end the Founders limited and divided, indeed set powers against each other by design.

But those limited and divided powers limited Power to “Progress” and we know the fate of all those who impede Progress- we are living that fate now, hopefully with a different outcome.

The Federal Register as replacement Constitution - and it is - was tolerable enough until noticed. The overseas Empire and National Security State were grudgingly tolerated until turned on us.

The issue turns on whether the winners today can hold their gains. This seems doubtful, I think the new POTUS will find he’s the Mayor of DC, ala The Mayor of Kabul.

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