Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I loathe this evil mf...

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

He’s an arrogant narcissist. I despise with every fiber of my being.

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They're going to have to redefine and reclassify 'megalomania' after this chump.

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He’s been in the public spotlight forever, yet he feels it necessary to tell everyone how sympathetic and empathetic he is towards people’s suffering.

I guess that the endless interviews and television appearances never revealed that facet of his personality, or as I suspect, it doesn’t really exist.


For someone who claims to be apolitical he sure talks about politics a lot, with a very noticeable animosity towards those on the right.

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especially empathic towards the animals he tortures.

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What an evil corrupt little man ! I can’t believe we tax payers will pay this creep’s pension to the tune of $350K a year!! Outrageous!!

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Empathetic? Sociopaths are incapable of that Dr. Ratface.

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Another Fauci doozy:


“It's called ‘the Fauci effect’... people go to medical school and go into science because I symbolize integrity and truth.”

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I think I threw up a little

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"he believes the “far right” will now attack him as an “egomaniac.” "

That is so much blander than what he really is.

There is a Dark Triad in that man. A man who was a key cog in the hellish machine that has killed millions and placed at risk ~5 Billion souls, while tightening the screws on the Biosecurity state. Plus, his decades-long history of carnage as head of NIAID. How much GoF, and resulting releases/deaths, can be attributed to him alone? With his outsized budget the path of destruction he has wrought was equally large.

What Is Grandiose Narcissism? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201310/what-is-grandiose-narcissism-why-does-it-matter

What Is the Dark Triad Personality? https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-the-dark-triad-personality-5217146

There is no justice sufficient for him, for his crimes. But there could be a measure of it with a prompt trial and sentencing, then swift execution of that sentence. Knowing he can't hurt anyone else would give millions of grieving families some comfort.

So to know that he will be milking industry largess (his memoir will be a best seller, brought to us by (P)fizer/Murderna et al) for years, after decades of loyal service at the Altar of Pharma - that is a final insult to us all.

Thanks Jordan. I wouldn't have been able to stomach the whole article.


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He needs to be locked up at Gitmo!

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One should only celebrate this CHUMP when he’s 6ft under

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Napoleon complex amped up to 11.

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Crazy Megalomaniac !

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Now that he is dispensable, maybe they will give him the real shots instead of saline going forward.

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