One of the best decisions I have made in 2021 so far has been to subscribe to the dossier. You offer practical insights on a variety of topics.

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Thanks, Jordan! I think that most governors who end these cruel measures have a political agenda. Recall on the table? Election cycle coming up? And here is what is sick: I have a friend in Iowa who told me, as you mentioned, that Kim Reynolds ended the mask mandate, but guess what? The majority of businesses and people are STILL demanding customers and employees wear the Satanic ritual humiliation/conversion face muzzle! This is breaking the law, and I am OUTRAGED that more is not being done to challenge this unlawful mess.

Also, all I can say about Newssolini is F**K him. I'm sorry/not sorry for my strong language, but he's an evildoer. He is absolutely black-out drunk on power and he DELIGHTS in punishing his constituents. That is full-blown psychosis. I will not bow to his Satanic illusion of power over me, for I am a sovereign Creator-Being.

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NEO Globalists don’t quit. Expect more false flags. Massive propaganda/lie campaigns. Freedom isn’t free.

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Actually, this may look good on paper, but Biden has now reinforced all of those restrictions. It's worse now than it ever was. The big tech companies are all in on this, as well. They NEED you to be locked down and masked and social distancing (which is the dumbest thing of all) and now the shots are becoming mandatory even for those who should never be receiving immuno-compromising vaxxzines. The Johnson and Johnson company is performing testing of it's new vaxxzine on infants (heaven forbid they should use an animal - - it might "harm" the animal, so let's just test it on our children instead). We've lost our minds. Next we lose America.

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I think also that these states are seeing that the Republican trump movement after the CPAC are seeing that the trump train is still active. Thinking that people would abandon his movement surely failed. Now to save face they are trying not get themselves canceled by their constituents. I think it’s too late for them. Even Mitch saying that he would support trump. Cmon son. These guys need to get out of office like yesterday

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A smart move on the part of these Governors. People are getting fed up and informed, which makes the fear a secondary issue. The fact that the flu has all but disappeared and the COVID is still with us is proof enough.

You add in the side effects from the vaccines like miscarriages, strokes, and death; it becomes clear that they want us infertile and or dead. These globalist elites have spoken openly about the perils of overpopulation, so you can bet they have a cure in mind. These people do not have the concerns of the average world citizen in mind.

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We now need to put pressure on businesses that still themselves mandate a mask to be allowed entry. Most of them though are worried about ambulance chasers suing them if a client claims they caught covid at their business because masks weren't being used. Businesses are afraid of lawsuits where they're likely to "win" but incur ridiculous costs of representation if they have to retain a lawyer

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Okay, so now the question is will they be stupid enough to try to force vaccinations? Or will they learn from the masks? (I'm not really all that hopeful.)

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Its not !SCIENCE! It’s Repression.

Have you read Luttwak’s Coup? This is Appendix A; repression ala The Duvalier method. Repression works if your in government. An ordered system of Liberties doesn’t, so it's gone.

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Kudos to these states.

How does Gov GN have the audacity to call this "reckless"? Wake up GN! Hypocrisy rubbed in the faces of all who know his m.o. Seems to know no other way to cater to the disappointingly large number of those living in fear: absolutely NO INTEGRITY. C'mon Recall!

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Why does Gates/Fauci want to preserve mask lockdown? Because without masks there’ll be no way to tell there is a “pandemic.”

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Top Virologist in the world sent warning letter to his peers and created this video.

If you watch nothing else - watch this video from 38:00 to 45:00 - 7 minutes that will probably save your life - WOW!!!


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Now only if europussies would follow... But Die Stasi Mutti has the EU in firm hold.

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How are you quantifying that the mask policy is a failure?

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